
IGS srl’s Quality Policy

1) IGS s.r.l.

IGS SRL – Geotechnics & Geophysics is a highly specialized service provider, operating in the fields of geology, geo-engineering and hydraulics. It’s made up of young and dynamic individuals, which have already proven their competence in the entire National territory.

2) Mission and Method

The services provided by IGS srl have innovation as their guiding thread, which is present not only in the services offered (some unique in Italy), but also in the method: the business structure is divided in 4 departments, each having its own manager, that work in tight connection, offering a multidisciplinary and highly specialised analysis of each project treated. The entire process, ranging from data acquisition to processing, restitution, modeling and administrative support, is directly executed by IGS srl; geotechnical, seismical, geomechanical aspects are treated in a combined way, guaranteeing a very detailed result.


  • Engineering Services
  • Landslides
  • Monitoring


  • On the Wall
  • Unconventional methods
  • Conventional methods


  • On the Wall
  • Geognostic
  • Field survey


  • Thematic Mapping
    • Geology Perspective
    • Seismic Perspective
  • GIS analysis
  • Specialist advices

The strengths of IGS srl are mainly:

three-dimensional investigation and modeling

– the ability to operate in impervious or urbanized environments through innovative resolutive investigations, minimizing interference

– the ability to manage complex assignments thanks to the serial implementation of skills

3) Business Network

With a look to the future, IGS srl invests heavily in the creation and development of networks between companies, for an extremely wide offer and with the quality guaranteed by each figure, that has made a profession of the specific service. The woven network sees IGS srl present on the inter-regional territory:

– legal and operational headquarters in Trieste (TS)

– operational headquarters in S. Stefano di Cadore (BL)

– operational headquarters in Bolzano (BZ)

– geotechnical laboratory and support office in Limana (BL)

4) Goals and Commitments

The goal of IGS srl is the constant improvement in the performance of its activities, both from the point of view of managing its own processes and internal procedures, and in maintaining the high level of its performance (as established) towards customers.

Given that the final purpose of IGS srl is the full satisfaction of the customer and other relevant interested parties, the IGS srl team ensures that the process of defining the requirements (those specific to the Clients, those of the applicable legislation, and the quality and performance standards) is always guaranteed and efficient, therefore the Quality Policy of IGS srl is expressed in the following intentions and fundamental commitments:

a) the supply of services such as to fully satisfy the requirements set by the client, the technical regulations and the relevant legal regulations;

b) absolute fairness in carrying out the activities and services requested;

c) understanding of needs (expressed and implicit), so that the needs of customers comply with the applicable laws and do not conflict with the intentions of the IGS srl Policy, as well as the translation into achievable technical requirements, to be communicated to all interested parties;

d) full compliance with the delivery times and deadlines for the agreed services;

e) total transparency towards the client in the activities carried out and in the progress of assignments;

f) the continuous and constant improvement of the QMS and the performance of its service with the involvement of all team members (internal or external collaborators), regardless of their role, so that all members of the structure are aware of their duties, and feel proactive and useful;

g) the guarantee to the Client of a continuous technical-scientific updating through the constant search for innovative systems and techniques, and the application of new technologies;

h) the choice of reliable suppliers who respect and improve the contractual conditions in terms of quality, costs and timing;

i) an ever greater strengthening of the position of IGS srl on the reference market;

l) the development of strategic partnerships with external suppliers in order to activate relationships based on joint growth;

m) the constant growth of the internal knowledge at all levels (necessary for the performance of one’s services), developing the professionalism of each employee, with particular attention to the ability to understand the requisites necessary for one’s work and attention to management and the improvement of business processes for the quality of its competence.

We are committed to use this Policy so that it constitutes the reference framework for establishing objectives and improvement programs to inspire the behavior of all interested parties. Specific objectives may also arise from the periodic analysis of the factors of the context (internal and external) of the Organization, the expectations of the Interested Parties and the risks associated with maintaining its business (its mission) and therefore the QMS.

For all the reasons listed above, the Quality Policy is shared with all personnel, collaborators, clients and main suppliers of products and services, and it is made available to anyone who requests it.

The stated objectives are planned, checked, executed and reviewed annually by the Management during the Review of the Quality Management System (and also during internal audits), in order to verify that they are realistic, measurable, obtainable and consistent with the strategy and the company context and have therefore been achieved.

The Management

Company certified ISO 9001:2015
RINA n. 38438/19/S

See certificate pdf

Contact us for more informations

IGS s.r.l.
  • Legal and operational address:
    Via del Lazzaretto Vecchio 18, – 34123 Trieste (TS)
  • Operational address:
    Vicolo Venaghi, 2 – 32045 Santo Stefano di Cadore (BL)
  • Via Marie Curie, 17 – 39100 Bolzano (BZ)
  • Phone: +39 0435 700191
  • E-mail: info@igs-geo.com
  • PEC (certified email address): igs-geo@pec.it